2018-2019 Archive

Primary 7 Visit Folk Park

Primary Seven enjoyed their visit to the Ulster American Folk Park in Omagh this week to conclude their detailed study of the Irish Famine. The children heard much of the poverty and famine conditions as well as seeing the harsh living conditions in the 1800's. We were able to see soda bread being made on a griddle over a turf fire and sampled some pancakes made in this traditional way.

After arriving at the docks the guide explained how traumatic the crossing to America would have been with such cramped space below deck. After the sailing we arrived State side and saw the log cabins and ranch fencing as well as experiencing some delicious corn bread and cherry pie.

All in all, this fabulous visit brought the whole topic to life and complemented the classroom studies perfectly.

P7 Visit Titanic Belfast


On Friday 29th March Primary 7 spent a very interesting day visiting the Titanic exhibition and SS Nomadic in conclusion to their WAU topic on the Titanic.

We had the pleasure of being taken through the Titanic experience by two excellent tour guides who provided the children with many fascinating facts.

The tour took us through nine galleries, telling the story of RMS Titanic, from her design in Belfast in the early 1900s, through her construction and launch, to her famous maiden voyage and tragic end. The galleries are innovative and interactive with many features including diving to the depth of the ocean to explore where RMS Titanic now rests. The Titanic story is told at Titanic Belfast in a fresh and insightful way.

We were able to visit three new galleries which capture the excitement of launch day, as well as The Maiden Voyage gallery, which transports visitors from four embarkation ports, Belfast, Southampton, Cherbourg and Queenstown (now known as Cobh) to Titanic’s deck promenade. The children were not only able to see and hear the ocean and feel the ships engines rumbling on board at the Palm Court Café but could also meet Fredrick Dent Ray, a dining room steward and survivor. The Maiden Voyage gallery also includes an original first class luncheon menu dated April 14, 1912, as well as the last letter ever to be written on board the Titanic. 

The visit concluded with a chance to board and see round the SS Nomadic. This was the tender that used to transfer passengers to and from the Titanic. It is the only White Star Line vessel in existence today. 

Earlier in the week we were very fortunate to have Frances Waddington’s father in to talk to both classes about the construction of the magnificent visitors centre. Mr Waddington had been one of the architects who worked on the design. He shared many interesting facts, myths and secrets about the building!!  

Please click the link below for photos of the trip.

Primary 7 ready for Mother's Day!

With Mother's Day approaching this weekend, Primary 7 have been busy creating and designing some special gifts. They have all worked extremely hard this week to have them completed for the weekend. Below is a photo of the finished products.