Primary 4

P4 Living History Day 2024


Today our Primary 4 children came to school as evacuees. They prepared name labels and identity cards and imagined what it would have been like for children in the 1940s. 

The children all had a chance to see our World War Two 'Museum,' with many amazing artifacts provided by one of our parents, Mr Lyttle, on display. The children then enjoyed a war time treat and created spitfires.

In the afternoon a present day army man came to talk to our P4 pupils about what life in the army is like in the present day.

Click 'read more' to see the fun

Primary 4 Blackout Investigation

This week the pupils in P4 enjoyed carrying out a blackout investigation. Their task was to sort each of the fabrics into transparent, translucent, or opaque materials. Based on their results, they discovered which material was opaque and therefore would be the best to use for making blackout curtains, for a city home during the Blitz.

Click 'read more' to see some pictures:

Primary 4 visit Kilbroney Forest Park

Today our Primary 4 children travelled to Kilbroney Forest Park for a magical and fun packed exploration of the woodland. The children were guided around the park learning about the local wildlife and also celebrating the local myths and legends of Fionn Mac Cumhail through nature games, art activities and stories. The children also were able to have a picnic beside the park and then a play in the park! What a wonderful trip to end Primary 4!

Click 'read more' to see some images;